Monday, July 26, 2010


Okay, well today I'm gonna blog about life, 'cause I haven't done that in a while and if I don't do that, I'll be missing the whole point of blogging!  Sooooo......  I added a widget to my blog!  It's a shelfari widget.  Shelfari is a website for nerds.  JK, it's an awesome website.  And then...  I went on a trip to lake Milacs in northern Minnesota.  It was fun.  The car ride was about two and a half hours long.  It was at a cabin, but there were 6 families there not including the owner.  We arrived at around 10:30 after leaving around 8.  The cabin was tiny, so most of the people were sleeping in tents pitched around the front of the cabin.  It looked pretty hilarious.  Oh, and I'm getting a computer soon!  It's a Mac, a desktop Mac.  Ureshii ne!  Anyway, life.  The cabin.  No getting to anime and manga in this post, Olivia!  We went tubing on Saturday and it was pretty epic.  It was really fun.  But they didn't go fast enough.  But I don't think going that fast is necessarily a good thing.  Then we went back and played in the water.  For a while.  Lake Milacs is supposed to be famous for its walleye, but it was so warm!  Then we went in and watched a movie.  It was Spirited Away by Miyazaki.  It was good.  Then we played cards.  We played Dai Hin Min, or Rich Man Poor Man, or bomb, or the Chinese name.  Then we played Egyptian Rattrap.  That was really fun.  THEN, we went to the Lake Milacs casino for dinner.  We ate at the buffet.  There was this little 6 year-old girl named Skylar Wang, she ate a LOT.  She's only six!  Whatever.  After dinner, we walked back outside and I noticed this sign that said, "Grand Asian Concert" with a bunch of Asians on it.  I was like, way to be racist, guys.  So there was the story of all the people looking at us in the casino.  But maybe it was just because we were a big group of Asians, more than half of them under 18.  Then we waited outside for a bit, and Jessica, my friend and friend for years decided to play Truth or Dare.  She was dared right away to do 20 push-ups.  Like that was hard.  Then I had a truth.  It was the color of my underwear.  Black.  Weird question.  Even more weird when the person who asked it was a boy.  Then Jessica, my evil friend, dared this guy to hug me and I flat out refused. Therefore, I did not get hugged.  I felt really sorry for myself just then.  Then we played more cards.  Then we  went to our tents to go to sleep.  In the morning, my dad got up early to go fishing.  I knew that, 'cause I was vaguely awake.  About 15 minutes later, I got up to find him. at 6:15.  He was nowhere to be seen.  I was bored.  I went into the cabin to go to the bathroom and found out there were people sleeping on the floor.  Oh, shi- I mean shiz!  None of them woke up anyway.  So I grabbed a muffin 'cause I was hungry and ate about...  half of it.  Then, I planned to read my book.  Oops, it was in the car.  And guess what?  The car was locked, obviously, and my dad had the stupid keys!  So I had NOTHING to do, and I had to be quiet.  So I waited around 20 minutes and Allen woke up and tramped around.  Allen was the guy who Jessica dared.  I felt really sorry for him too.  Yeah, so I was poking holes in my muffin and making muffin art, and he woke up.  He went into the cabin and woke up the guys sleeping inside.  So then I went inside.  Jack (Jessica's little brother) had a really squeaky voice and it was weird.  Random...  So then, we were chatting and stuff, and then Jessica and Amy woke up.  Amy is a girl.  End of explanation.  We played cards, and were eventually kicked out of the cabin 'cause we were too loud.  So we moved to my tent.  Then, we went swimming in the lake, where we found disgusting jello-y eggs that were most likely mosquito eggs.  And I cut my foot, and it was probably infected.  So I went back and changed, and just ate something until they came back.  Then we played....  you probably guessed it by now, CARDS!  We played BS.  If you don't know what it stands for, then you don't need to know.  It was fun.  Then we went swimming again.  I had forgotten about my cut, it hurt like hell when I went in, so I came back out and  read for a bit.  Then we ate lunch.  Then we packed up and left and when we got home, I put some medicine on my cut and took a shower, sporting around 8 (ONLY 8?!) HUGE mosquito bites.  Hey, it's the land of 10,000 lakes, what do you expect?

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