Sunday, April 22, 2012

Yeh, Gimme a Sec, I Need to Reintroduce the Blog...

Alrighty then, well, I have a lot to say about all o' this... Yeah, I haven't updated in a hella long time, but there is a quite valid but stupid reason for all of this. I don't like writing boring things. And well, because of that, I'm going to blog the way I speak. The way I speak isn't as normal as most people. Unlike most people, my use of the word "like" is minimal, because people who overuse it tend to piss me off. I cuss occasionally, but do take it lightly, because it's all in good fun. Now that that's covered, let's move on. Every time I blog about something, it ends up sounding like an introduction to something because I don't blog often enough. Whatever. I did end up doing something great. I switched from pressing the space key twice to once after ending a sentence. Since there's no legit reason to actually press it twice anymore, I've changed. My current interests? Yeah, they're basically the same. I have been drawing a lot lately, and I sincerely think I've improved a lot. I still procrastinate a lot, but I'm a lot better at prioritizing my activities so that my time wasting isn't too harmful( to anything except for my eyesight and my total amount of sleep) Just kidding, I sleep a lot more than the average otaku... 'Cause they don't sleep jack. Anime update~! I've been watching One Piece, and a few others. I watched Eyeshield 21 and it was pretty good. They knew when to end the series so that it wouldn't drag out and suck. The only thing I didn't like about it is that the games took too long, and that football really isn't a sport of endurance, no matter how you put it. One Piece is good. It's been going on for like, ever, ever since I was one year old. It's still going, so I assumed I might as well watch it. I am watching Hunter x Hunter, the 2011 rendition of it. It's good, but it's very, "I'm gonna stick to the original!" So it's quite unrealistic... But it's great! The Heaven's Arena part is very interesting, and I like it. The recaps are kind of stupid, but we don't have a choice. I'm assuming they just put them in because they were given a fixed number of episodes and didn't want to drag it out just to fit the number of episodes needed. Music-wise, I still do enjoy Kpop. That's that, so bai.