Friday, July 16, 2010

Kanon 2006

Okie dokie now I'm watching Kanon 2006.  It's like the original Kanon story-wise, but the art's way better.  It's by Key, and it's a lot like Clannad and is really beautiful.  I think that it's really good, but kind of sappy...  It's hilarious but super sad.  Makoto died!  She was a fox.  I wonder how they came up with that plot, it's so complicated and it all fits together and you actually understand it, cough cough, Haruhi Suzumiya.  But I think that anime was supposed to be confusing.  Oh well.  Kanon's awesome, and there's so much sadness!  It's another one of those animes where the main guy character is new and gets involved with a bunch of girls who are mysterious or had a tragic childhood but is always smiling.  Something like that.  It depends though.  I've seen some pretty crappy ones with really bad plots.  Actually, only a few episodes of one.  It was painfully confusing and didn't make sense and it was a long time ago so I don't really remember the name.  I'm not gonna ever watch stuff like that again.

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