Thursday, October 1, 2009

Today is October 1st, "wow it is cold" brrrrrrrrr...
I went to swimming yesterday.  Before that, I had lost my shampoo.  It turns out, that my friend Alison(she's chinese too) had taken it and forgot to give it to me.  So then she gave it to me and I didn't have to do anything.  I have an orthodontist (I think thats how you spell it) appointment.  Apparently, I have to get braces soon.  I already have lost all of my teeth and my twelve-year old molars have come in.  All of my friends got braces in like second grade but they have to get them again.  I don't really get the point of getting braces if you have to get them again when you're older.  All of my friends that have gotten braces already haven't even lost as many teeth as I have.  The friends that haven't gotten braces alreay have really perfect teeth.  My friend, Hailey has really nice teeth, they are pearly and white.  No one has a tiger tooth just like I do.  Oh well, at least I won't have weird teeth forever.  Do you know anyone that has braces or is getting braces?

1 comment:

  1. Michael is seeing an orthodontist soon (next week or two.)
