Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Today I am very excited.  Tomorrow I get to go to camp at school.  It is called Camp Edenwood, but the program is called Camp Friendship.  At Camp Friendship you practice teamwork with your team.  You basically go on lots of ropes courses and stuff.  At the end of your day you get to try out the high ropes course.  It sounds pretty cool.  Some of my friends said it is really lame and you don't get to do much.  I don't really know but it sounds fun.  I hope some of my friends are on my team.  Tomorrow I also don't have any classes.  In the morning I have G/T reading with Mrs.Olson.  She gives alot of homework, but it's really interesting so I don't really mind doing it.  For some reason, it got really cold recently.  I said for some reason because it was really sudden it really happened in one night.  Last week, at swimming carpool, Alan started memorizing pi to 30 digits.  I told dad and he said when he was little, he could memorize it to 49 digits.  I can do it too now.  See,3.141592653589793238462795028841971693993751.  Can you do it?


  1. Olivia,
    Looking forward to your camp stories. Your writing is interesting. Good to know your pie record. I cannot do it, but I can keep track the digits for you.

  2. Now that you have caps and periods, it's time to start using paragraphs. :)
