Sunday, May 9, 2010

H2O FITS (H2O Footprints in the Sand)

"Yo, Takuma-kun! Ohaiyo!!" Hirose Takuma's uncle said. He came straight at Takuma with his arms wide open ready to smash into Hirose. "Aaah!!!! Oji-san, yamete kurasai!" Hirose answered, ducking his hug and running out the door to go to school. "Ohaiyo Gozaiyimasu, Hirose-sama!" Hotaru(Hinata) Kagura said as she ran to catch up to him. "Did you have a good night's sleep? What did you have for breakfast?" She asked as she was puffing to catch her breath. Just then, Hirose saw Hayami. "Ohaiyo, Hayami-chan!" He called out as she looked down, blushing. Then she ran away, something she didn't do very often.


  1. Hey, Banzai. You know that we are, in fact, writing in English, right? I mean, if you're going to use as much Japanese as possible, you might as well just put the whole thing into Babelfish and post it in Japanese. Not everyone knows those phrases, and it's just a little ridiculous to use all that romaji. So, in the future, please only use Japanese for common phrases and exclamations. Don't have more than one word in each quote, preferably. "Aaaah!!! Oji-san, yamete kurasai!" for example, is completely in Japanese. Please don't do that.

  2. It's MY blog. I can do whatever I feel like doing.
