Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Post Dedicated to Shelly

Hi Shelly. This is Olivia and the rest of the Chinese class here right now. We're in a break right now. We feel sorry for you and your seemingly Acute societal withdrawal symptoms. You can come visit me in the summer. Eva says hi. Mendi's here too, she's just annoying and won't say anything right now so I'm gonna type whatever I want since I OWN this blog. Watching Kaichou wa Maid-sama? We miss you and you should meet my friend Martina that you would really get along with. Bye, it's time for class.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, where did you get the computer? It's an ipad, right? Thank you guys so much! Don't feel too bad for me, I'll get on with life once I graduate from high school. I'm not actually bipolar. I only said I was because I'm going through a rough time. I miss you guys too!
    -Shelly (remember to enjoy your life!)
